Internet Information Services (IIS) for
Microsoft Windows 2000 brings the power of Web computing to Windows.
With IIS, you can easily share files and printers and create
applications to securely publish information to improve
the way your organization works. IIS is a secure platform for building and deploying eCommerce solutions. IIS also makes it easy to bring mission-critical business applications to the Web.
Windows 2000 with IIS scales to meet your needs. You can:
- Set up a personal Web server.
- Share information within your team.
- Access databases.
- Create an enterprise intranet.
IIS integrates proven Internet standards with Windows, so that using the Web does
not mean having to start over and learn new ways to publish, manage, or develop.
Windows 2000 with Internet Information Services is the easiest way to
share information and run powerful applications on the Web.